Friday, August 31, 2012

A Word About Family

Family requires effort.  Effort to get together for yet another family dinner.  Effort to make it to the birthday party....again. Effort to fix a meal for the family.  Effort to send a note of encouragement.  Effort to clean the house for family visits.  Effort to work in the schedule for a family reunion. Effort to help with the dishes.  Effort to make a covered dish.  Effort to drive over to a family member's house.  Effort to call and check in. Effort to help a family member out. 

Why all this effort?  Is it worth it?  What do we get out of it?

I'll tell you.

When you put forth the effort during the good and happy times, it doesn't really seem like effort at all when there are bad times.

I love my family.

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